Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

I provide psychotherapy to adults and adolescents from the age of 16 years. Therapy can help you process past experiences,  learn skills and techniques for self-awareness and for relationships. It can support the goal of self-acceptance while letting go of perpetual striving and self-improvement projects.

Mental health is a reflection of your ability to be flexible and to choose what to focus on in your life. To use your attention on the things that can be changed. Choosing strategies. Letting go of approaches that don’t serve you.


Treatment areas:

Anxiety, worry and phobias (health anxiety, OCD, GAD, panic disorder)

Social anxiety, performance anxiety, presentation anxiety

Depression, low mood

Stress reduction, burn-out, chronic stress-related exhaustion

Acute crisis reactions, trauma, PTSD

Grief and loss

Low self-esteem and identity concerns

Relational challenges, couple conflicts, break-ups

Emotional problems

Life challenges, adjustment problems